Does your Umbraco website need an MOT? Maybe it’s misbehaving, seems buggy, or is just simply not performing as expected? Fear not, help is at hand - our full-site Health Check goes under the hood to audit every aspect of your site and report back on exactly what’s right and what’s not.


About Our Health Check Service

Our Umbraco Health Check Service is a comprehensive review into every aspect of your website operation  including your cloud-based website’s technical architecture, its hosting and the Umbraco CMS, as well as any external system integrations. We will provide you with a detailed report highlighting the urgency of any issues found and recommendations for improvements. We will also include fixed-price estimates for the remediation work necessary to bring your site up to scratch.

Our Health Check usually takes 3-5 days to complete, depending on the complexity of your site, and is carried out by our technical team, which includes Umbraco Certified Masters and Professionals.

We use a process driven approach where we will:

  1. Obtain any relevant documentation associated with the site, including function and technical specs, test plans, and specifications and management plans;
  2. Document the current high-level functional and technical design specification of the site, (including versions of Umbraco and Package dependencies);
  3. Document the infrastructure used to host the site, including details of servers and their location, as well as configuration, infrastructure and installed software;
  4. Obtain the latest source code from the code repository, in addition to a copy of the latest production content database, and any associated custom databases;
  5. Build the source code and attempt to run the site on a local developer machine, running through all key functional areas;
  6. Step through the key functional areas’ code and document its quality;
  7. Review and document site performance from both a back-end and front-end perspective;
  8. Identify the processes used to manage source code in the repository;
  9. Identify and document current work in progress and any current backlog of work requests;
  10. Identify and document the process for managing work requests as well as deployments to the production environment.

When complete we produce a Rapid Response Health Check Report documenting the key findings from above as well as providing advice and guidance on ways to minimise site ownership costs alongside costs for software and infrastructure, while maintaining performance and uptime requirements.

What's next?

If you think your Umbraco site could use some help, email or call us now to discuss how we can help 01276 817465, email or use our chat window at the bottom of the screen to get in touch.

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